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Tax Alert Service

Company Guard offers a personalized tax alert service to help keep your business in good standing. Our system provides customized email alerts for upcoming due dates and state filing deadlines. Being prepared is what will keep your company in good standing.

Company Guard provides you with timely notifications, important facts, and other tools to help prepare your filings. Each of our notifications includes:

  • Your due date for filing
  • Jurisdiction
  • Department for Filing
  • Forms (if available)
  • State Website Links
  • Definition explaining filing requirement
  • Helpful Hints/Best Practices
  • Sample Documents (where applicable)

When you choose our service you will receive a 12 month overview of what filings will be due on what given dates. Company Guard Tax Alert Service will remove any confusion and give you the necessary lead time to anticipate tax filings coming up, and how it will impact your business.